Articles published by NoSoilSolutions

The Best Net Pots For Your Hydroponic System

While they don’t have much glamour, net pots are an important part of a hydroponic system. They keep the grow medium from clogging your system and damaging your pump but also help…

hydroponic grow room glasses

Grow Room Glasses, Are They Really Needed?

I can bet that grow room glasses are not at the top of anyone’s shopping list when putting together their grow room, though they probably should be. We only get one…

hydroponic end blossom rot

Preventing Blossom End Rot In Your Hydroponic Garden

It’s a common problem for soil and hydroponic gardeners alike. One day you have some beautiful green tomatoes, the next day you notice some spots on the fruit. Maybe you…

How to grow hydroponic cucumbers

How To Grow Delicious Hydroponic Cucumbers

Cucumbers don’t last long around our house. We use them in many different kinds of meals, salads, and snacks; my favorite being bread and butter pickles. Hydroponic cucumbers are easy…

How to grow hydroponic bell peppers

How To Grow Sweet Hydroponic Bell Peppers

Bell peppers were one of the vegetables I wanted to learn to grow when I got into hydroponics. After learning to grow lettuce and tomatoes I thought it was time…

Simple Guide To Indoor Grow Light Spectrum & Color Temperature

Simple Guide To Indoor Grow Light Spectrum

Choosing the correct light spectrum is one of the 3 basics of plant lighting. Sunlight, as well as various other types of light that we see, are actually made up…