Posts tagged "indoor gardening"

Different Types of Grow Lights For Hydroponic Gardens

Choosing the right grow light for your hydroponic garden is an important decision. Not all lighting is the same or will work for what you’re growing. There are several factors…

Cut And Come Again Hydroponic Lettuce Harvesting

Cut And Come Again Hydroponic Lettuce Harvesting

When it comes to harvesting lettuce, there are a few different methods you can use. One of the more popular methods of harvesting lettuce for the at home hydroponic gardener…

3 Basics Of Hydroponic Algae Growth

3 Basics Of Hydroponic Algae Growth

Algae growth is actually made up of several different types of plant-like organisms.  Since there are many different types of algae growth, its appearance in your hydroponic system can take…

How to grow hydroponic lettuce

How To Grow Hydroponic Lettuce

Lettuce is the easiest vegetable to grow using hydroponics. If you’re just starting out with hydroponics, lettuce is the place to start. Hydroponic lettuce grows fast, doesn’t take up much…

3 Basics Of Plant Lighting

The 3 Basics of Plant Lighting

While gardening indoors brings its many advantages, it also requires finding a light source for your garden. Not all plant lighting is same, as they can come in different intensity…

pollination brush method

3 Methods Of Hand Pollination

Growing your hydroponic vegetable garden inside can have its many perks. One of my favorites is not having to zig zag away from my garden every 5 minutes from bees…