Articles published by NoSoilSolutions

How My Hydroponic Plant Cloned Itself

I’ve noticed that many people are intimidated by hydroponics. Though it may seem complex, it’s really pretty simple. If you provide your plants with what they need, then they will…

Hydroponic nutrients

4 Best Nutrient Regimens For Hobby Hydroponics

When first getting started, it can be difficult to choose what nutrient regimen will work best for your hobby hydroponic garden. There are many different brands offering one, two, or…

Outdoor hydroponic gardening

10 Pros and Cons Of Outdoor Hydroponic Gardening

Most people relate hobby hydroponic with growing indoors. Hydroponic is actually an excellent option for outdoor gardening as well. As with anything, in addition to the pros of outdoor hydroponic…

Identify And Rid Whiteflies From Your Hydroponic Garden

Those tiny moth-looking insects in your garden are more damaging than they seem. Whiteflies can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, reproducing fast and quickly taking over your hydroponic…

How To Grow Hydroponic Broccoli

How To Grow Hydroponic Broccoli

Our family loves broccoli. It can make a good healthy snack or side, though we typically choose to drown it in cheese. Broccoli can be a great hydroponic vegetable to…

Hydroponic lettuce kratky method

The Kratky Method of Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic systems come in all shapes in sizes. They all have a little bit in common, but the Kratky method of hydroponics is really apart from the rest. This simple hydroponic…